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How to fade a 2D sprite in Unity

Learn how to fade a sprite over time in Unity by modifying the alpha channel of its colour with Move Towards.

How to Lerp Colour in Unity

It’s possible to change a colour over time using Color.Lerp, by setting a start colour, a target colour, and passing in a blend value, T.

How to Lerp Rotation in Unity

Using Lerp with rotation Lerp can be used with Quaternions to rotate an object to an angle over a period of time.

How to fix movement stutter in Unity

There are 3 reasons why movement in Unity will stutter: 1) Testing in the Editor 2) Not using physics interpolation 3) Using Fixed Update for Input.

How to Lerp by speed in Unity

It’s possible to control the speed of Lerp by incrementing a scaled T value but this is, technically, not how Lerp is supposed to work.

Why is Lerp slowing down in Unity?

The slowing effect caused by using Lerp to move an object towards a target position is caused by using Lerp with Time Scale.

Unity Out Keyword

The out keyword in Unity is used to return extra information from a function in addition to its return type.

Unity Transform

The Transform component in Unity is used to manage the position, rotation, and scale of an object, and to manage its relationship with other objects.

Unity Move Towards

In Unity, Move Towards allows you to increase or decrease a value over time towards a target, without going over, controlled by speed.

Unity For Loop

A For Loop in Unity is an iteration statement that allows you to execute the same block of code multiple times.

Unity Namespace

Namespaces in Unity are collections of classes. They are used to organise code into separate directories to differentiate between classes that have the the same name.

Unity Action

In Unity, an Action is a ready-made delegate that can have one or more parameters, and returns void. They are typically used to trigger game events.

Global Variables

In Unity, a global variable is a value or reference that can be accessed from any script, anywhere in the game, without a direct reference.

Unity Late Start

There is no Late Start method in Unity but it’s possible to create a function that works in a similar way by delaying the code or modifying the execution order.

Unity Get Component

Get Component is a search function in Unity that returns a specific type of script or component that’s attached to the object it’s called on.