How to calculate distance in UnityThere are two ways to calculate distance in Unity. With the Distance function or with the Magnitude function.
Unity Delta TimeIn Unity, Delta Time is a static float value that returns the duration in seconds between the last frame and the current one.
How to use a custom font in UnityThere are two methods for adding a custom font to Unity, depending on if you’re using the legacy Text object, or a Text Mesh Pro object.
How to calculate speed in UnityThere are two main methods for calculating speed in Unity, the Rigidbody Method and the Position Method.
Unity Audio SourceAn Audio Source is a behaviour component in Unity that allows a game object to play an Audio Clip, such as a sound effect or music.
How to calculate direction towards another object in UnityTo calculate the direction between two objects or points in Unity, subtract the position of the target from the position of the origin.