Affiliate Policy

Pages on this website and some of my YouTube video descriptions may include affiliate links, meaning that, if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

In the interest of being transparent, this page lists any affiliate programs I take part in and my personal policy on when I do and do not link, so that you can know what to expect when using this site or viewing my videos.

Affiliate Status (last updated May 2024)

  • There are currently no affiliate programs running on
  • Some YouTube videos may include affiliate links in their descriptions

My policy on affiliate links

Why I use affiliate links

I use affiliate links to support the running of my blog and my Youtube channel, so that I can continue to make content and articles for free.

When I will use an affiliate link

I’ll only use an affiliate link when all of the below is true:

  • I want to provide a link to the content, even if an affiliate link doesn’t exist
  • I genuinely believe in the value of the product or the service that I’m linking to
  • I either use it myself or I would be happy to personally recommend it
  • I believe that the product is actually relevant to you and the content

When I won’t use affiliate links

I won’t use an affiliate link if:

  • I wouldn’t recommend it otherwise
  • If I don’t believe in the value or relevance of the service or product
  • If it’s not relevant or appropriate
  • If you wouldn’t reasonably expect the link to be an affiliate link (for example, if I provide a link to another page that is not a product)


When I do use affiliate links, I’ll always make it clear to you by posting a disclaimer on the page or next to link itself.

Affiliate programs I participate in

I participated in the following affiliate programs in the past.

  • Unity Asset Store Affiliate Program
  • Udemy Affiliate Program
  • SkillShare Affiliate Program
  • Humble Bundle Partner Program